Best prototyping tools for designers

Best prototyping tools for designers

Feb 28, 2022

In the ever-evolving landscape of design and development, "Design Systems" have emerged as a crucial framework for standardizing and enhancing digital experiences. These systems are not only revolutionizing the way products are conceived and developed, but they also play a vital role in ensuring that every digital interaction is accessible to all users.

This comprehensive exploration goes beyond the basics of legal compliance or ticking off a checklist. It’s aimed at those who truly understand the essence of digital accessibility and strive to make it an integral part of their design practice.

By mastering the complexities of accessibility within a design system, we don't just widen our audience; we also elevate the art of user-centered design.

Strategic planning is more than just a trendy term; it is a cornerstone of sustainable business success. In this article, we will dive into the nuances of strategic planning, examining its importance, how to craft an effective strategy, and the significant impact it can have on business growth.

What Craftsmanship Means to Us

At its core, craftsmanship signifies an unwavering commitment to quality. For us at Whimsical, this translates to creating products that:

  • Facilitate a seamless flow state for users

  • Are rich with thoughtful, delightful details

  • Exhibit character and taste

  • Empower users to communicate more fluidly and effectively than ever before

Strategic planning is not just another buzzword; it's essential for long-term business success. This article will explore the key elements of strategic planning, including why it’s critical, how to develop a successful strategy, and the profound impact it can have on the growth of your business.

The Main Trade-off

One company that embodies the spirit of craftsmanship is Pixar. I’m particularly inspired by a quote from "Creativity Inc.":

"John coined a new phrase: 'Quality is the best business plan.' What he meant was that quality is not a byproduct of following a set of rules; rather, it is a prerequisite and a mindset that must be ingrained before any project begins. Everyone talks about the importance of quality, but it's not enough to just say it—you must live, think, and breathe it. When our team committed to making only the highest quality films, and when we pushed ourselves to prove our dedication to this ideal, Pixar's identity was solidified. We became a company that would never settle for less.” — Ed Catmull, *Creativity Inc.*

Quality is a mindset that demands total dedication. This is the ethos we strive for at Whimsical. While we don’t expect to achieve perfection every time, we are unwavering in our commitment to quality. It’s ingrained in our culture and identity.

We recognize that quality is a journey—an iterative process. We constantly seek ways to improve our existing products, understanding that initial versions may not be perfect. But settling for less is never an option.

Do we always live up to our commitment to craftsmanship?

Not perfectly, but we are on the path. We actively work to seek out, protect, and uphold craftsmanship in our daily work. For instance:

  • When developing a new product feature, we prioritize meeting our quality standards rather than strictly adhering to deadlines.

  • We dedicate entire work cycles to refining quality, focusing on small UI improvements or bug fixes (we’re currently in the midst of an extended cycle like this).

  • Before releasing a new feature, we rigorously test and evaluate it within our team. Building a product that we use ourselves is both an advantage and a joy.

  • When hiring, we look for candidates who have a proven track record of craftsmanship in their respective fields.

    This is the mindset that defines our approach to design and development.

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