Communication between departments

Communication between departments

Mar 15, 2022

In the ever-evolving landscape of design and development, one of the most crucial innovations enhancing digital experiences is the concept of “Design Systems.” These systems are transforming how products are envisioned and brought to life, all while ensuring that every digital interaction is inclusive and accessible to all users.

This comprehensive exploration isn't just for designers and developers aiming to meet legal requirements or check off compliance boxes—it’s for those who truly understand the essence of digital accessibility and its importance beyond mere regulations.

By mastering the intricacies of accessibility within a design system, we not only broaden our user base but also elevate the practice of user-centered design to new heights.

Strategic planning isn’t just a buzzword; it's a vital component for achieving long-term business success. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the nuances of strategic planning, discussing its significance, how to craft an effective strategy, and the profound impact it can have on your business's growth.

What Craftsmanship Means to Us

To us, craftsmanship signifies a deep, unwavering commitment to quality. At Whimsical, this means creating products that:

  • Facilitate effortless workflow and immerse users in a state of flow

  • Are enriched with delightful details

  • Exude spirit and taste

  • Empower users to communicate more fluidly and effectively than ever before

Quality isn’t just an outcome; it’s a mindset and a prerequisite that guides everything we do. As Ed Catmull from Pixar famously said, “Quality is the best business plan.” This isn’t just a catchphrase—it’s a principle we live by. At Whimsical, our dedication to quality is woven into our identity and culture.

We recognize that quality is a journey—an iterative process. We are constantly seeking ways to enhance our existing products. We know that the first iterations of something new may not be perfect, but we are committed to never settling for less than excellence.

Do we always perfectly adhere to our craftsmanship ideals? Not always—but we’re on the path. We actively pursue, protect, and prioritize craftsmanship in our daily work rhythms. For example:

- When developing a new product feature, we focus on ensuring that both design and build meet our quality standards, rather than restricting the work to a specific timeframe.

- We dedicate entire cycles of work to refining details, such as making small UI improvements or fixing bugs.

- Before launching a new feature, we rigorously test and evaluate it within our team. Building a product we use ourselves is a distinct advantage and a source of joy.

- In hiring, we seek candidates with a proven track record of craftsmanship in their field.

Quality isn’t just a goal—it’s a continuous pursuit that defines who we are.

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