Creating WordPress Mega Menus using

Creating WordPress Mega Menus using

Emon Kahn
Jan 12, 2022

In the dynamic realm of design and development, "Design Systems" have emerged as a crucial innovation for standardizing and enhancing digital experiences. These systems are reshaping how products are conceived and realized, yet it's essential to ensure that every digital interaction remains inclusive for all users.

This exploration goes beyond mere legal compliance or ticking off a checklist—it's about understanding what true digital accessibility entails. By comprehending the nuances of accessibility within a design system, we not only broaden our user base but also elevate the art of user-centered design.

Strategic planning transcends buzzwords; it’s a core component for long-term business success. In this article, we'll delve into the details of strategic planning, examining its importance, crafting effective strategies, and its impact on business growth.

Craftsmanship Defined

For us, craftsmanship signifies an unwavering commitment to excellence. At Whimsical, craftsmanship means creating products that:

  • Seamlessly integrate into your workflow

  • Feature delightful and thoughtful details

  • Exude spirit and taste

  • Enhance your ability to communicate fluidly and effectively

We view strategic planning as a cornerstone of sustainable success. This article explores its vital role, how to develop a robust strategy, and its profound effect on business expansion.

The Essence of Quality

Pixar exemplifies remarkable craftsmanship. As Ed Catmull notes in Creativity, Inc., “John coined a new phrase: ‘Quality is the best business plan.’ Quality is not just a consequence but a prerequisite and mindset. It’s not enough to declare its importance; it must be lived and breathed. Pixar’s identity was forged in our relentless pursuit of quality.”

At Whimsical, we aspire to this mindset. We may not achieve perfection every time, but our commitment to quality is unwavering. It’s ingrained in our identity and culture.

We recognize that quality is an ongoing journey. We’re always seeking ways to refine our products. We understand that initial versions may not be perfect, but we are committed to continual improvement.

Our Commitment to Craftsmanship

While we strive for excellence, we acknowledge that perfection is an ongoing pursuit. Here’s how we embody craftsmanship:

  • We prioritize meeting quality standards over rigid deadlines when developing new features.

  • We dedicate entire work cycles to refining details, such as UI improvements and bug fixes.

  • We rigorously test new features within our team before release, taking joy in creating products we use ourselves.

  • We seek candidates with proven craftsmanship in their respective fields during hiring.

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